2023-2024 Catalog

EDCI530 Advanced Integrated Literacy I: Know the Child (Intensive)

Understanding what a child knows and can do across a variety of skill and knowledge domains is critical to providing literacy instruction leading to mastery, confidence, and overall success. The approach of great teachers is strength-based vs. remedial or deficit driven. This course, along with its companion courses, will explore and practice practical strategies used by master teachers to understand what individuals, small groups, and entire classes of children need to thrive as readers and writers. It will operationalize the literacy assessments and data management strategies studied and developed in Summer Session I but will focus on the specific classroom context of each candidate, and then allow them to panel on findings using our entire learning community to develop instructional approaches specific to individual children and flexible small groups. Candidates will co-create and practice interventions to support every child in their current classroom. They will continually test innovative best practice and link their practice to sound theory, creating coherence and consistency in literacy learning. 




EDCI 508, EDCI 509, EDCI 511, EDCI 513, EDCI 515


EDCI 530, EDCI 531, EDCI 529
