2023-2024 Catalog

Challengeable Courses

The following courses may be challenged.  Please see the course descriptions as well as the process for course challenge.

CAPP 101  Computer Literacy for HCT

CAPP 105  Computers for College Success

CAPP 140  Word Processing

CAPP 160  Computer Applications

CAPP 161  Electronic Spreadsheets

CAPP 162  Data Management Systems

CAPP 170  Electronic Presentations

EDUC 115 Computers in Education

FORS 100  Survey of Forestry

FORS 146  Dendrology

FORS 210  Forest Measurements I Lab

FORS 240  Fuels Measurements

MUSC 101 Music Fundamentals

NASL 101  Basic Salish I

NASL 102  Basic Salish II

NASL 103  Basic Salish III