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Undergraduate Degrees and Certificates Offered at Salish Kootenai College
Graduate Degrees Offered at Salish Kootenai College
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Undergraduate Certificate Associate and Bachelor Degree Programs
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Challengeable Courses
ACSC - Academic Success
ALLH - Allied Health
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTD - Art
ASTR - Astronomy
AUTO - Automotive Mechanic
BIOS - Biology Science
BLDG - Building Trades
BUMG - Business Management
CALS - Culture and Language
CAPP - Computer Applications
CDAR - Chemical Dependency
CHEM - Chemistry
COOP - Cooperative Education
CSCD - Computer Science
DATD - Dental Asst Technology
DFAB - Digital Fabrication
DIGD - Digital Design Technology
DVSP - Developmental Studies
ECED - Early Childhood Ed
ECON - Economics
EDCI - Graduate Education - Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC - Education
EMER - Emergency Services
ENGL - English
FLAG - Flagging
FORS - Forestry
FTVP - Film-TV
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GNSD - General Studies
GRMG - Grant Management
HCTP - Highway Construction Training Program
HEOP - Heavy Equipment Operator
HIEP - Health Information and Medical Office
HIST - History
HLTH - Health
HMNT - Humanities
HPED-Health Education
HYDR - Hydrology
IDST - Interdisciplinary Studies
ITEC - Information Technology
LEAD - Leadership
LFSC - Life Sciences
MAST - Medical Assistant
MATH - Mathematics
MUSC - Music
NASD - Native American Studies
NASL - Native Am Studies Language
NATR - Natural Resources
NLTE - Native Language Teacher Education
NRMG - Graduate Natural Resources Management
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OFED - Office Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
SCID - Science
SCLG - Sociology
SCWK - Social Work
SPCH - Speech
SVLN - Service Learning
TRUK - Truck Driving
UASO Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operation
WELD - Welding
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POLS - Political Science
American Government
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