2023-2024 Catalog

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

48 Quarter Credits

Program Information

The Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.C&I) is a job-embedded Masters program for educators who are actively teaching or working in an education related field.


Students are admitted to a cohort beginning in alternate summers. This program begins and ends with 6-week summer sessions on the SKC campus that are bridged by three terms; Fall, Winter, and Spring.  Coursework blends face-to-face, online learning, and field experiences in each candidate's setting. Throughout the 14 month program, candidates engage in action research focused on meeting the needs of children and communities and integrating culturally sustaining pedagogy.


Students choose between two program options:


The Integrative Indigenous Education option emphasis increases educators' ability to create community-centered educational experiences that appropriately integrate the languages and cultures of our communities in classroom and community settings, including but not limited to the effective integration of Indian Education for All. The program intentionally builds educators’ connections to reservation communities they serve.


The Literacy, Equity, and Excellence option emphasis focuses on equity and high expectations using a four-part framework that pervasively integrates concepts, content, and literacy skills while deepening understanding of unique contexts -including Tribal communities. This strand embraces the science of reading, explores neurological diversity in literacy learning, and leads to a K-12 Reading Endorsement in Montana.


Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction students will be able to:

  1. Design and implement culturally sustaining and revitalizing instruction as measured by performance, curriculum, and action research in community and school settings.
  2. Construct learning communities collaboratively applying reflective practice blending theory and action as measured by action research and formative and summative assessments.
  3. Create and foster learning communities that invite learners’ diversity in all its forms as measured by observations of classroom climates.
  4. Develop and practice critical thinking and mindful and transparent communication as measured by community-guided action research informed by Indigenous communities and values.
  5. Apply and integrate tribal values of the Ql̓ispé, Ksanka, and Séliš people as measured by observations, demonstrations, and reflections.

In addition, students in the Literacy, Equity, and Excellence Option will be able to:

  1. Implement research-based promising practices in literacy including the science of reading, critical literacy and pedagogy, and literacy for empowerment of learners as measured by formative and summative pre-, post- and time series classroom-based action research.

Admissions Requirements:

Applying for Admissions to the M.Ed.C&I degree is a two-part process. Admission to the M.Ed. C&I is limited. Admission is based on information gained from the submitted application materials.

Submit all requirements in part 1 and 2 by the deadline for consideration. After the closing deadline, completed applications will be evaluated and notification will be sent out to applicants as to the status of their admissions.


  • “SKC Graduate Admissions Application for the Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction”; and
  •  Official High School Transcript or Official GED Scores or Official HiSET with completion date (required if applying for Financial Aid); and
  • Official College Transcript(s) from all colleges you attended including baccalaureate degree confirmation; and
  • Tribal Certification Release Form (must be official if you are an enrolled member or descendent); and
  • Verification of Residency (needs to date back one full year); and
  • Immunization Records (proof of 1st & 2nd MMR, TB skin test within last five years, applicants born before 1-1-1957 need only TB skin test); and


  • Essay (instructions provided within the on-line application); and
  • Current Resume (instructions provided within the on-line application); and
  • Three (3) references (instructions provided within the on-line application).

All Applicants are evaluated in the following manner:

  • Earned bachelor’s degree;
  • Two years teaching experience or equivalent;
  • GPA is reviewed for the last 2 years of the baccalaureate degree;
  • Demonstrated experience in a teaching environment.

For the Integrative Indigenous Education option, applicants are also evaluated in the following manner:

  • Support of supervisor or administration to participate in face-to-face summer courses and applied Indigenous research and praxis;
  • Currently employed for at least two years in a full-time position providing Indigenous educational experiences in classrooms or community settings.

For the Literacy, Equity, and Excellence option, applicants are also evaluated in the following manner:

  • Current teaching contract (this is an applied Masters requiring an actively teaching candidate to conduct action research in the context of a classroom, including the testing of individual, small group and whole class literacy innovations and interventions)


M.Ed.C&I admissions applications process for Cohort 2 opens November 2023 and closes January 2024 (see M.Ed.C&I website for specific dates and on-line instructions). Cohort 2 will begin classes the Summer session of 2024 through Summer 2025.


Integrative Indigenous Education Curriculum

Summer I

EDCI501Applied Indigenous Knowledge - Summer


EDCI503Indigenous Educational Research Intensive


EDCI508Indigenous Educational Praxis I


EDCI509Integrated Perspectives in Mixed Method Action Research


Total Credit Hours:12


EDCI521Applied Indigenous Knowledge - Fall


EDCI523Research Writing Foundations


EDCI529Planning Reciprocity Through Mentorship/Leadership


EDCI565Master's Project Design & Development


Total Credit Hours:9


EDCI543Evaluating Integrative Indigenous Education


EDCI541Applied Indigenous Knowledge - Winter


EDCI565Master's Project Design & Development


Total Credit Hours:8


EDCI561Applied Indigenous Knowledge - Spring


EDCI568Indigenous Educational Praxis 2


EDCI565Master's Project Design & Development


EDCI569Evaluating Reciprocity Through Mentorship/Leadership


Total Credit Hours:9

Summer II

EDCI581Applied Indigenous Knowledge Seminar


EDCI585Master's Project Synthesis


EDCI589Curriculum & Instruction Showcase


Total Credit Hours:10

Literacy Equity and Excellence Curriculum

Summer I

EDCI508Indigenous Educational Praxis I


EDCI509Integrated Perspectives in Mixed Method Action Research


EDCI511Research in Literacy Education


EDCI513Finding Voice Through Writer's Workshop


EDCI515Literacy Assessment


Total Credit Hours:12


EDCI529Planning Reciprocity Through Mentorship/Leadership


EDCI530Advanced Integrated Literacy I: Know the Child (Intensive)


EDCI531Advanced Integrated Literacy I: Teachers and Children at Work (Online Extension)


EDCI532Advanced Integrated Literacy I: Field Experiences and Practicum


Total Credit Hours:9


EDCI550Advanced Integrated Literacy II: Responding to the Needs of Children (Intensive)


EDCI551Advanced Integrated Literacy II: Dive into Dyslexia (Online Extension)


EDCI552Advanced Integrated Literacy II: Field Experience and Practicum


Total Credit Hours:8


EDCI570Advanced Integrated Literacy III: The Child in the Learning Community (Intensive)


EDCI571Advanced Integrated Literacy III: Indian Education for All, Opportunity Gap, and Hot Button Issues (Online Extension)


EDCI572Advanced Integrated Literacy III: Field Experience and Practicum


EDCI569Evaluating Reciprocity Through Mentorship/Leadership


Total Credit Hours:9

Summer II

EDCI591Professional Publication for Master Teachers


EDCI593Professional Presentations for Master Teachers


EDCI595Advanced Special Topics in Literacy


EDCI589Curriculum & Instruction Showcase


Total Credit Hours:10