2018-2019 Catalog

Media Design, Associate of Arts

(95-96 credits)

Program Description

NOTE:  Starting in Fall 2018, the Media Design Associate of Arts will transition to the Digital Design Technology Associate of Arts.  New students will start in the new degree program, accessed here:  Digital Design Technology AA.

Second year and returning students will complete the second year of the Media Design Associate of Arts as listed below.

Upon completion of the Associate of Arts degree in Media Design, students will have knowledge and technical skills in graphic design, web design, and multimedia fields.

The Media Design Associate of Arts at SKC is considered a “hybrid” program - that is, while each course has set times on the schedule each term for students to meet as a class with their instructors, any and potentially all courses may additionally require online participation for some part of the schedule. Check your Media Design syllabi and speak with the instructor of record for each course.

Career Opportunities

SKC graduates in Media Design have successfully attained careers in the surrounding community. Currently, graduates create page layouts, ads and update company web pages. Graduates gaining entry level employment in this field can expect $12 to $20 per hour. Other graduates have freelance positions earning near $25 per hour, completing photography, poster, and web designs. Local businesses include Total Screen Design, Charkoosta, and sign and printing businesses. Examples of job titles for graduates with a Media Design degree include:

Web Designer, Graphic Designer, ­Photographer & Photo Editor, Digital Illustrator and Videographer/Video Editor.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of the Media Design degree program, students will be able to:

  • Effectively use a variety of tools and processes for producing contemporary forms of digital media.
  • Effectively use multiple contemporary media delivery platforms and delivery systems.
  • Use a cluster of industry standard applications to create digital media.
  • Accurately describe the phases of production (pre, production and post) as well as the project management tasks inherent in each phase.
  • Use current industry standards of production, design, and function within a chosen area of specialty.
  • Use current and emerging media to represent traditional and contemporary indigenous people in provocative and respectful ways.
  • Apply coursework and area of specialization towards transitioning from school to working in the industry.
  • Identify career ladders and options for further education.
  • Plan, create and maintain a professional portfolio highlighting and marketing skills and capabilities. Present this portfolio via websites, blogs, and social media.
  • Collaborate and communicate in ways that support design team and/or group production.


Fall (Second Year)

ARTD150Introduction to Art History



MEDA109Creativity Culture & Media



SPCH100Basic Communications



MEDA255Foundations Of Digital Citizenship


MATH100College Algebra



MATH 103Contemporary Math



NASD101History of Indians in the United States


MEDA204Media Project Development


Total Credit Hours:17

Winter (Second Year)

MEDA225Game Design and 3D Modeling



MEDA269Intermediate Photoshop



ARTD145Beginning Printmaking


SCID101Science, Society and Culture


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Spring (Second Year)

PSYC225Psychology of Advertising and Propaganda



MEDA205Advanced & Special Projects



MEDA298Indigenous Digital Storytelling



MEDA212Tomorrow's Media Seminar


MEDA290Design Portfolio & Presentation Capstone


SVLN100Community Service Learning


ELECTIVENative American Studies General Education Open


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 95-96