2016-2017 Catalog

Secondary Science Education-Broadfield Science, Bachelor of Science

(199 credits)

Program Description

The goal of the Bachelor of Science in ­Secondary Science Education (BSSE) Broadfield Science ­degree is to prepare graduates for successful careers as ­science teachers at the middle and high school levels. Graduates of the BSSE are qualified to apply for licensure as secondary Broadfield Science teachers in the state of Montana. The majority of the BSSE required coursework is in the natural and physical sciences, with additional coursework required in advanced math and education courses, along with the general education course ­requirements. Graduates of the degree program will meet the state’s academic requirements for highly qualified secondary broadfield science teachers, the most sought after science teaching license in Montana. Upon licensure, graduates are eligible to teach earth science, physics, physical ­science, biology, chemistry and environmental ­science in Montana’s secondary schools. The program’s ­design emphasizes the development of teachers prepared to effectively meet the needs of middle and high school learners, particularly rural and American Indian learners. A key strength of the program is studentsʼ participation in substantive clinical experiences in which they spend significant amounts of time observing and working in the schools to help prepare them as professional educators. Graduates will have a solid grounding in Western and Native science content and perspectives as well as knowledge of how to use effective instructional methods and classroom management for supporting science learners.

Teacher Licensure and Career Information

Currently there is a shortage of licensed secondary science teachers to fill the job vacancies in Montana and across the United States. Accredited schools in Montana are required to hire state licensed teachers in order to maintain their accreditation. Upon successful graduation from the BSSE degree program, graduates are eligible to apply for the Secondary Broadfield Science ­teaching license with the Montana Office of Public ­Instruction (www.opi.mt.gov). Once licensed by the state of Montana, teachers may be hired as ­science teachers in any public middle or high school in ­Montana. Licensure requirements may differ in other states; graduates should contact individual states of interest to determine their licensing procedures and requirements.


The SKC BSSE is fully accredited by the Montana Board of Public Education.

Program Objectives

In alignment with the objectives of the SKC ­Division of Education the BSSE strives to meet the following program objectives.

  1. Prepare teacher candidates to be culturally competent and effective professional educators and leaders
  2. Form and maintain collaborative partnerships (relationships) with grades Pre K-20 providers and education professionals
  3. Promote cultural competence to advance respectful educational practices for all learners, with a particular focus on American Indian learners
  4. Collaborate with college, community, state, and tribal entities to share professional development opportunities and resources
  5. Conduct and support research to contribute to the knowledge base, improve educational practice, and build individual and community capacity

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the BSSE, the graduate will possess the following knowledge, skills and dispositions appropriate for secondary science teachers, which are based on the InTASC standards for teacher preparation.

Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher candidate understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of ­learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements ­developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard #2: Learning Differences

The teacher candidate uses understanding of ­individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Standard #3: Learning Environments

The teacher candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

Standard #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Standard #5: Application of Content

The teacher candidate understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Standard #6: Assessment

The teacher candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies

The teacher candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Program Requirements

Students may declare the BSSE as their major at any time after their acceptance into SKC as a student. They will then be assigned an advisor in the Department of Secondary Science Education. After fulfillment of the following criteria they will be provisionally accepted into the BSSE program.

Successful completion, with a grade of “C” or above, of at least 60 college quarter credits (or 40 semester credits) that are part of the BSSE course program, including 24 quarter or 16 semester hours of BSSE required science and math courses

  • Successful completion, with a grade of “C” or above, of Math 100 or an equivalent course or test score as approved by the chair of the SKC ­Mathematics Department
  • Successful completion of the SKC ENGL 202 – English Composition II course with a grade of “C” or above. Transfer of credits from another institution as substitution for this course must be approved the the English Department chairperson
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 with no less than a “C” in all courses that are required for the BSSE degree
  • Minimum score of 588 on TABE Language and Language Mechanics Tests at the D9 level or above
  • A score of “Proficient” or above on the BSSE Writing Sample Assessment
  • Approved state and federal background check, which are required for visiting or working in the K-12 schools
  • Completion of the Transition to Teacher­ ­Professional Dispositions Seminar

Students’ full admission to the BSSE is contingent on the preparation and submission of a TEP Stage I Portfolio (see below) and completion of an interview with the SKC Edcation Department faculty. Both the poltfolio and the interview must be approved by the Education faculty.

To graduate from the BSSE, students must ­attain at least a “B” in all Education courses at the 300 level or above and a minimum grade of “C” in all other BSSE required courses. Please ­contact the BSSE program director for more information on the program requirements.

TEP Portfolio Process

A required product for all BSSE teacher candidates is the TEP portfolio, which provides evidence of the candidate’s attainment of the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to be a successful professional educator. Candidates are assessed via portfolio review and interview at three stages in their education program. The faculty review team and the SKC BSSE Department chair must sign off on the portfolio in each stage of the process in order for candidates to move to the next stage. The portfolio is a continuous, performance-based process, and is the assessment tool for evaluating and guiding candidates’ growth as developing educators throughout the program.

Professional Behavior

SKC teacher candidates are required to exhibit dispositions and behaviors befitting a professional educator. Any actions that indicate the candidate may be unfit to work with children or perform in school ­settings will not be tolerated. Among these behaviors are the following:

  • Substance abuse of any kind
  • Inappropriate disclosure or breach of confidential information
  • Inappropriate physical contact or communication including digital communication through social networks, texting or emailing with a student, peer, instructor, or school personnel
  • Criminal activity


Fall (First Year)

ENGL 101English Composition I


GEOL 101Physical Geology


GEOL 102Physical Geology Lab


BIOS 101General Biology


BIOS 102General Biology Laboratory




Total Credit Hours:16

Winter (First Year)

ENGL 202English Composition II


MATH 108Adv. Functions & Modeling


EDUC 206Intro to Secondary Sci Teaching


EDUC 221Parent Partnership and Community Collaboration




Total Credit Hours:16

ELECTIVE SS-INTRO: SCID 101 recommended

Spring (First Year)

NASD 101History of Indians in the US HCT


MATH 109Trigonometry


ASTR 110Introduction to Astronomy


BIOS 112Introduction to Botany


BIOS 113Introduction to Botany Laboratory


Total Credit Hours:16

Fall (Second Year)

MATH 241Statistics & Lab


CHEM 150Principles of General Chemistry I


CHEM 151Principles of Gen. Chemistry 1 Lab


EDUC 240Human Growth and Development


SPCH 100Basic Communications


Total Credit Hours:17

Winter (Second Year)

CHEM 152Principles of Gen Chemistry II


CHEM 153Principles of GenChem II Lab


EDUC 235Introduction to Indian Education


BIOS 130Introductory Microbiology


BIOS 131Introduction to Microbiology Lab


HMNT 101Introduction to Humanities


Total Credit Hours:16

Spring (Second Year)

CHEM 140Fundamental Organic & Bio Chem


BIOS 260Principles of Ecology


BIOS 261Principles of Ecology Laboratory


EDUC 178Exploratory Field Experience


EDUC 203Foundations of Education


NASD 210Introduction to Indigenous Science


Total Credit Hours:17

Fall (Third Year)

EDUC 250Educational Psychology


EDUC 307Curriculum, Planning and Assessment


PHYS 201College Physics I


MATH 110Calculus I


Total Credit Hours:17

Winter (Third Year)

EDUC 343Lit Strat in Sec Educ Praticm


EDUC 343Lit Strat in Sec Educ Praticm


EDUC 337Introduction to Special Education


EDUC 221Parent Partnership and Community Collaboration


PHYS 203College Physics II


ENVS 203Weather and Climate


Total Credit Hours:16

Spring (Third Year)

EDUC 207Health Safety and Drug Awareness


EDUC 392TeachScience InThe SecClassroom I


EDUC 311Cultures, Diversity and


EDUC 312Diversity in Education Practicum


PHYS 205College Physics III




Total Credit Hours:17

Fall (Fourth Year)

EDUC 313ClassroomManagementInSecndEducation


EDUC 308Techno in the Secondary Classroom


SCID 301Conduct and Reportng Sci Research


LFSC 320Mammalian Physiology




Total Credit Hours:17

Winter (Fourth Year)

LFSC 330Genetics and Adaptation


EDUC 395Teaching Sci in Sec Classroom II


EDUC 393Transition to Student Teaching


BIOS 410Conservation of Biodiversity


HPED 125First Aid/CPR For NSG Only


EDUC 471Action Research In Education


Total Credit Hours:17

Spring (Fourth Year)

EDUC 491Studnt Teach in Secdry Educ


EDUC 495Reflective Practice and Research in


Total Credit Hours:14

Total Credit Hours: 197