2023-2024 Catalog

Grades and Incompletes

Grading of student work is  based on the following system:    

 A  Excellent  4
 B  Above Average  3
 C  Average  2
 D  Completion of minimum course requirements  1 
 F  Failure  0
 P  Pass  0
 NP  No Pass  0
 I  Incomplete (To be completed within 12 weeks)*  0*

  *If a student receiving an Incomplete Grade completes the work outlined in the Incomplete Grade Form within the specified time period, the grade and grade point will be changed to reflect the earned grade. 

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade may be given to a student only if the following conditions exist:

  1. The student has attended more than half of the regularly scheduled class sessions and is making satisfactory progress.
  2. The student is unable to complete the class within the specified quarter schedule.
  3. The student will be able to complete the work outside of class.

If these conditions are not present, the student will be given the appropriate earned grade . If an instructor does assign an incomplete grade, the instructor must submit an Incomplete Grade Form to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and give a copy to the student specifying what requirements need to be completed and the timeframe for completion.