2022-2023 Catalog

Deadlines for Admission and Registration

Admission Deadline:  SKC accepts applications for admission throughout the year.  Applications must be completed, with all required documents, two Fridays prior to the first day of classes.  Late applications will be processed for the quarter following the current quarter.

Registration Deadline:  Course registration for the next academic quarter opens the sixth week of the current quarter.  Students may register in-person for the next quarter through the Friday prior to classes starting (or the last day campus is open if there is a holiday), or through the Sunday prior to classes if registering online (Returning students only.  Students must contact their advisor to have the advising hold removed.) Late registrations will not be accepted.

Registration Changes:  Registered students may modify their schedules by dropping or adding courses through the second Monday of the quarter.  Students may drop courses through the end of Week 7.  A very limited number of half-quarter and single-session courses can be added later in the quarter.  See the quarterly course schedule for more information.