2020-2021 Catalog

Procedures for Course Challenges Substitutions and Waivers

Salish Kootenai College Course Challenge Procedure:

Definition:  A Course Challenge is the process by which students earn credit for a course by completing an assessment criteria such as a test.

SKC students may challenge certain courses if a student already possesses the knowledge and skills which are the objectives of a given course listed in the college catalog.  The course must be designated in the college catalog as a course that may be challenged.  Only the academic department that houses the course may designate a course as challengeable. The department head and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) must approve adding a course to the challengeable course list. The VPAA maintains a list of all courses which may be challenged.

The instructor of record will determine the criteria for the challenge process, which may include an examination, writing a report or essay, an oral presentation, or other means of assessing that the student has equivalent knowledge and skills.

The student who completes a successful course challenge may earn a letter grade or a pass/fail grade, depending on what is customary for the course.

To challenge a course, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • Be currently enrolled at SKC.
  • Have not previously passed a course for which the challengeable course is a prerequisite.
  • Have not already taken the course for a grade.
  • A student may earn no more than 15 credits by challenge.
  • The student may challenge a course once.Generally, the challenge assessment is completed in the first week of the academic term. If the challenge is not successful, the student must enroll in the course.
  • Independent Study courses may not be challenged.


1) Obtain the course challenge form, obtain the signature of the instructor of record.

2) Arrange a time to meet with the instructor of record to take the challenge assessment.  The assessment must be completed during the first week of the academic term.

Duties of the Instructor of Record:

  1. Meet with the student to explain the necessary paperwork.
  2. Determine the method of assessment and the criteria used to judge satisfactory performance.The instructor will develop the assessment(s).
  3. Administer and grade the assessment(s).
  4. Send the completed course challenge form to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for signature. The form is then forwarded to the registrar who will record the student’s grade for the course.
  5. Students completing a course by the challenge procedure will be charged regular tuition and fees for the course.

Course Substitution Procedure:

Definition: A course substitution is the process by which a course takes the place of a required course in a curriculum.  The course to be substituted must meet the same overall objectives of the required course.

A course substitution allows a student to use an alternative course to meet a program requirement. Course substitutions are accepted on a course-for-course basis.  If multiple course substitutions are needed, a separate request for each course requirement should be submitted for review.

If the student is requesting a course substitution for a course from another regionally accredited institution, an official transcript containing the course must be on file in the Enrollment Services Department.


  1. The advisor and student OR the Transfer Specialist and the student should complete the course substitution form. Indicate the rationale for the course substitution, including the overall or general course objectives which are met by the course to be substituted.
  2. If the course is on an approved course substitution list, the form may be sent directly to the registrar.If the course is not on an approved course substitution list, the form should be sent to the student’s advisor for review and signature, and then forwarded to the registrar.
  3. There is no fee for course substitutions.

Course Waiver Procedure:

Definition: A course waiver is the process by which a student is exempted from taking a required course in the student’s curriculum because the student has equivalent knowledge and skills taught in the course. 

Course waivers may be used in situations when the student has attained required learning outcomes in another discipline or in multiple courses or in other recognized and documented learning experiences. A course waiver does not reduce the number of total credits required for graduation. If a waiver is approved, the student will need to complete another course in order to meet the minimum degree requirements as stated in the SKC Catalog.


  1. The advisor and student should complete the course waiver form. Indicate the rationale for the course waiver.
  2. Submit the course waiver form signed by advisor and student to the registrar.
  3. There is no fee for course substitutions.