2020-2021 Catalog

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is defined as all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to: 
  1. Plagiarism: See specific Plagiarism Policy below.
  2. Misconduct during an examination or academic exercise.
  3. Unauthorized possession of examination or other course materials.
  4. Tampering with course materials.
  5. Submitting false information: Knowingly submitting false, altered, or invented information, data, quotations, citations, or documentation in connection with an academic exercise.
  6. Submitting work previously presented in another course.
  7. Improperly influencing conduct: Acting calculatedly to influence an instructor to assign a grade other than the grade actually earned.
  8. Substituting or arranging substitution for another student during an examination or other academic exercise, including but not limited to substituting for another student in an online class or assignment.
  9. Facilitating academic dishonesty: Knowingly helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic dishonestly.
  10. Altering transcripts, grades, examinations, or other academically-related documents.

B.  Investigation of Charge of Academic Misconduct

The focus of inquiry in disciplinary proceedings is to determine if a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred and, if so, to decide an appropriate academic penalty and/or college sanction. Student Code of Conduct proceedings are administrative proceedings and do not follow formal rules of evidence applicable in judicial proceedings. However, the accused student must receive due process, and the College is to establish violations by a preponderance of evidence. It is assumed unless shown otherwise that the faculty make impartial judgments concerning academic misconduct and fairly impose an appropriate academic penalty and/or college sanction. Minor deviations from prescribed procedures will not invalidate a decision or proceeding, provided they do not significantly prejudice the student or the College.

The adjudication of any alleged misconduct must be initiated within two years of discovery.

  1. Investigation by the Course Instructor

In all cases where academic misconduct is discovered or suspected, the course instructor should consult with the Department Head and/or the Vice President of Academic Affairs to report the incident and to determine whether any record of prior academic misconduct is in the student’s disciplinary file.

  1. When an incident of alleged academic misconduct is discovered by or brought to the attention of the course instructor during the course, the instructor will personally contact the accused student within five (5) working days to arrange a meeting. The course instructor and the student may each have one person of choice present at this meeting. At the meeting, the course instructor will: 
    • At this meeting the course instructor will:
  2. When academic misconduct is alleged or suspected after the conclusion of the course, or after a student has withdrawn from the course, the course instructor will notify the student in writing within five (5) working days. The instructor documents evidence of the academic misconduct in writing. Additionally, the instructor informs the student that a “X” grade will be given for the course or the assigned grade will be revoked and replaced by a “X” grade until there is a final resolution of the charge(s). The instructor will also request that the student contacts the instructor to schedule a time for a meeting.
  3. Resolution of the charge by the instructor when the student does not appear for the meeting. If the student does not appear for the meeting with the course instructor, the course instructor informs the student in writing of:
  • Inform the student of the alleged academic misconduct and present the evidence supporting the allegation.
  • Inform the student of the Student Code of Conduct rules of procedure.
  • Allow the student an opportunity to respond to the charge(s) and evidence.
  • The student is not required to respond.
  • Discuss the academic penalty and possible sanctions, and allow the student to respond.
  • If the student is willing to admit to the infraction and accepts the academic penalty, the instructor will notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Documentation of the infraction and penalty will become part of the student’s permanent record at the institution. The College reserves the right to impose further sanctions as described below in Section E. The student also may provide a written statement to be placed in the file.
  • The academic penalty recommended. The academic penalty is not formally imposed until final resolution of the charge(s) or until the deadline for an appeal has passed. If a grade is required before final resolution of the charge(s) or before the deadline for an appeal has passed, an “X” grade is assigned.
  • The Student Code of Conduct rules of procedure and appeal. (A copy of this code will suffice).
  • The fact that a written summary of the case has been sent to the student, the student’s advisor, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs with a copy placed in the student’s permanent file.
  • The student also may provide a written statement to be placed in the file.

C.  Process for Student Appeal of the Academic Penalty and/or College Sanction for Academic Misconduct

  1. If the students does not appeal the decision to impose the academic penalty and/or college sanction within ten (10) working days, the allegation in the notice of college sanction will be considered accepted by both parties. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will instruct the appropriate college officials to implement the sanction. A written summary of the case will be placed in the student’s permanent file.
  2. No academic penalty by the instructor and/or college sanction is imposed until final resolution of the charge(s) or until the deadline for an appeal has passed. If the accused student chooses to waive the option to appeal and instead accepts the academic penalty and/or the college sanction then the issue is considered resolved.
  3. If the student denies the charge(s) and/or does not accept the academic penalty imposed by the course instructor, the student may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. A student’s request for appeal with supporting evidence must be presented in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within ten (10) working days after the student is informed by the instructor of the imposed academic penalty or within ten (10) working days after the student received the notice of a college sanction, whichever occurs later. The Vice President of Academic Affairs shall have ten (10) working days to render a written decision.
  4. If within five (5) working days the student does not accept the written decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the student may appeal the decision by submitting a written appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will convene an Academic Conduct Board consisting of up to three students, three faculty members, and an administrative designee other than the Vice President of Academic Affairs who will act as Board Chair. The course faculty member and the student will attend the hearing. The hearing will be private if requested by the accused student. An accused student has the right to be represented by an SKC Advisor of his or her choosing. Any party to the proceedings may request the privilege of presenting witnesses subject to cross examination by the other parties. Production of records or other exhibits may be required and a record will be kept of the proceedings and filed in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The recommendation of the Academic Conduct Board is final.

    5. The student’s Academic Advisor will be notified of the outcome of the academic misconduct procedures. A summary of the procedures will be placed into the student file.

D.    Possible Consequences or Penalties for Academic Misconduct

The following consequences or sanctions may be the result of academic misconduct.

  1. Academic Penalty by the course instructor. The student may receive a failing or reduced grade in an academic exercise, examination, or course, and/or be assigned additional work which may include re-examination.
  2. College Sanctions: The College may also impose a sanction that exceeds the academic penalty. Sanctions (a) through (f) require administrative review by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.
  1. Disciplinary Warning: The student is warned that further misconduct may result in more severe disciplinary sanctions.
  2. Disciplinary Probation: The student is warned that further misconduct may result in suspension or expulsion. Conditions may be placed on continued enrollment for a specified period of time.
  3. Suspension: The students is separated from the College for a specified period of time and may also be excluded from participation in any college-sponsored activity.
  4. Expulsion: The student is permanently separated from the College and may also be excluded from any college-owned and/or college-controlled property or events.
  5. Denial of a Degree: A degree is not awarded.
  6. Revocation of a Degree: A previously awarded degree is rescinded.
  7. Other Sanctions: In addition to or in place of the above, other sanctions may be imposed, such as eviction from college housing, requirements to attend and complete classes, programs, workshops, tutoring, and/or counseling sessions, and/or restriction or prohibitions from attending campus events or participating in campus activities.
  8. Details of the terms of the penalty or sanction will be provided in writing to the student and placed in the summary in the student’s file.