2020-2021 Catalog

Indigenous Math and Science Institute

The Indigenous Math and Science Institute (IMSI) was established in 2001 to provide a cohesive management structure for the various Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) research and education programs.  The goal of IMSI is to provide an all-inclusive effort to promote Native American achievement at all levels of STEM research and education.  IMSI houses the following programs:

All Nations Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (ANLSAMP)

The ANLSAMP program is funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) and involves 38 partner institutions spread across 14 states, working in conjunction to increase the number of Native Americans achieving a STEM Bachelor’s degree.  The goal of the ANLSAMP program is to double the number of Native Americans and other under-represented minorities who are enrolled in STEM disciplines at partner institutions, and assist them in completing a STEM BS degree. In order to achieve this goal and related supporting objectives, the ANLSAMP program supports students at partner institutions with stipends, travel, internship opportunities, and other partner-specific activities.  ANLSAMP is 1 of 40 Alliances nationwide and the only one specifically focusing on Native Americans.

Big Sky Science Partnership

The Big Sky Science Partnership (BSSP) is a seven year project whose goal is to increase science achievement in American Indian students. Funded by the National Science Foundation Math/Science Partnership program, the BSSP partners science and education faculty from Salish Kootenai College, the University of Montana and Montana State University with Tribal consultants and 120 K-8 teachers from the Flathead, Northern Cheyenne, and Crow Reservations and the Missoula area schools, in a vibrant learning community aimed at improving science instruction, developing science teacher leaders, and changing the culture of science teaching at the K-20 level. The project continues to generate and disseminate a significant body of research on the efficacy of culturally congruent instruction and the eveopment of culturally congruent teachers.

Developing American Indian Science Educators Project

The Developing American Indian Science Educators Project (DAISE) is a National Science Foundation funded project that supports the development of the Bachelor of Science in Secondary Science Education degree (BSSE). This degree prepares graduates for application for licensure as Broadfield secondary science teachers, enabling them to teach middle school and high school science. SalishKootenai College is only one of two tribal colleges in the nation that offers this degree. The funding also provides scholarships and stipends to qualified American Indian students who are pursuing the BSSE with the intention of becoming secondary science teachers.

Flathead Geoscience Education Project

The Flathead Geoscience Education Project is a National Science Foundation funded project that partners Tribal elders, SKC science and education faculty, and professional geologists in the development of culturally responsive geoscience curriculum materials for use in Flathead Reservation middle and high schools. The educational products of the FGEP include both written and video materials that have been distributed to all schools on the Flathead Reservation as part of an effort to improve equity in the schools and strengthen science education for students, particularly American Indian students. A place based elementary geoscience curriculum specific to the Flathead Reservation that aligns with the FGEP materials was also developed in 2012 by a Noyce Teacher Fellow. The curriculum has been distributed to all reservation schools and teacher training on it use has been provided. All FGEP materials will be made available on the SKC web site.

Robert Noyce Teacher Fellowships

The Robert Noyce Teacher Fellowships is a sister project to and natural outgrowth of the BSSP. Also funded by the National Science Foundation, it provides 27 BSSP teachers with two year fellowships to develop and conduct significant science teacher leadership projects that are designed to strengthen science instruction in BSSP schools. Fellowship projects focus on a variety of areas including teacher professional development, curriculum development, and educational research, and are designed to make systemic, sustainable, and substantive change in the way science is taught in BSSP schools.

SKC STEM Scholarship (S3) Program

The S3 program is funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is designed to increase enrollment and retention within the SKC STEM degree programs.  New S3 scholarship applications are accepted anytime; however, awards are made the first week of each quarter based upon specific criteria and availability.  The degree programs that are eligible for S3 funding are Computer Engineering, Environmental Science, Forestry, Hydrology, Information Technology, and Life Sciences.  Contact IMSI for more information.