2019-2020 Catalog

EDUC212 Mathematics Instructional Intern

Students in this course will serve as a teaching assistant in either Math 108 or Math 109. They will be required to be in attendance and assist in the daily instruction of students enrolled in the course. Additionally, the student will spend at least on hour per week assisting in the planning of the course with the instructor. Each student will also be responsible for working with a study group from Math 108 or Math 109 for a minimum of one hour per week outside of class time.  As an additional requirement, each student will create a case study of a struggling student in Math 108 or Math 109. This case study will include development of an assessment to identify the student’s area of struggle, plan a method for addressing this student’s weakness, apply the prescribed treatment, and create and administer a summative assessment to measure the success of the treatment. The student will then write an analytic reflective paper describing these components and results as well as an evaluation of what worked and what did not. This case study will become an artifact for the students TEP II portfolio required as part of the Secondary Mathematics Education degree program.




EDUC 210 or permission of instructor


