PSYC 472 Indig Resch Methodologies in Psyc
Indigenous Research Methodologies in Psychology focuses on methodologies of Indigenous research as they relate to psychology. Included are explorations of the purpose of Indigenous research, both historical and contemporary; roles and responsibilities of an Indigenous researcher; oral and recorded traditions and sources of information; and other important issues that face Indigenous researchers, both now and in future. Of particular importance in Indigenous research are proper use and dissemination of research findings, as well as the role of Institutional Review Boards and Human Subjects Ethics, with particular attention to issues of power and control. To this end, the following questions are emphasized: to whom does the research belong, whose benefit and interests are at stake, who is the researcher and what is their relationship to the research community, who carries out the research, and who controls and disseminates the results. Students will complete a research proposal that dovetails with the Senior Capstone project.
Prereq: Senior in Psychology or Instructor Consent